Smoke Filtration Systems & Solutions
A Smoke-free environment is a key ingredient in a welcoming ambiance, especially focusing on eliminating passive smoking. Au Pure’s leading smoke filtration systems are designed to treat Cigarette / Cigar / Sheesha smokes while also purifying the air and removing harmful suspended particulates, odor producing VOCs / gases and microbes.
The systems are designed/customized to work on variable cleaning speeds and are configured based on the layout of the outlet serving its esteemed occupants / guests suitable for different kinds of tobacco smoke.
At Au Pure, we help in Eliminating Passive Smoking
Technologies & Solutions employed in Smoke Filtration
Integrated Smoke Filtration Solutions
Multi-technology Smoke Filtration
+ Odor Management Systems
Concealed Units / Cassette Type
Wall Mount
Air Treatment
Air Treatment
UVC / UVC + Oxidation
Media Filtration
ESP Filtration
Other Specialized Filtration
Odor Management
Odor Abatement Solutions
Aroma Diffusion